#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Fetches the DMRID database from radioid.net This script fetches the database of DMRIDs directly from radioid.net and creates a CSV file to import it into the GD77 running OpenGD77. Author: Dominic Reich “OE7DRT” Usage: ------ ./dmrids.py No arguments are needed. Specify the folders in the source below. """ import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta import requests import pandas as pd def main(): """main function Runs if script is run by itself. """ # User configuration -------------------------------- database_url = 'https://www.radioid.net/static/user.csv' local_folder = '/home/dominic/.hamradio/' output_filename = 'DMR-IDS-GD77.csv' tmpfile = '/tmp/dmrids.download' regions = ['232', '262', '263', '264', '228', '222'] # regions = ['232'] fav_filename = 'Favorites.txt' # blacklist_filename = 'BlacklistedCalls.txt' # End of User configuration ------------------------- if os.path.isfile(local_folder + output_filename) and os.access(local_folder + output_filename, os.R_OK): print('Local file found. Will overwrite the file if it\'s old enough.') one_day_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1) filetime = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getctime(local_folder + output_filename)) if not filetime < one_day_ago: print('Nope, the file is quite actual ({})\n'.format(filetime)) a = input( 'Do you really want to fetch the database? (y/n): ') if a.lower() != 'y': exit(0) # read favorites favorites = [] if os.path.isfile(local_folder + fav_filename) and os.access(local_folder + fav_filename, os.R_OK): with open(local_folder + fav_filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.strip() favorites.append(line) else: # This is because the program will create weird resuls otherwise. # Needs some error handling but is not finished yet. So there we use this # now until fixed. print('Could not open favorites file.') exit(1) print('Downloading database (this may take some time)') r = requests.get(database_url) if r.status_code == 200: with open(tmpfile, "wb") as file: file.write(r.content) else: print('Download failed. Exiting') exit(1) # Damn this took so long to figure out that I have to escape them with \\ # and not only with \ ... *grml* searchstr = '\\b(?:' + '|'.join(regions) + ')\\d+\\b' favsearchstr = '|'.join(favorites) # Open full csv file and create two DataFrames with filtered users and favorites csv_full = pd.read_csv(tmpfile, dtype=str, usecols=['RADIO_ID', 'CALLSIGN', 'FIRST_NAME']) csv_filt = csv_full[csv_full['RADIO_ID'].str.contains(searchstr)] csv_favs = csv_full[csv_full['CALLSIGN'].str.contains(favsearchstr, na=False)] # Merge regional and whitelist, sort and remove dupes csv_fin = pd.concat([csv_filt, csv_favs], ignore_index=True) csv_fin.sort_values('RADIO_ID', inplace=True) csv_fin.drop_duplicates(subset=['RADIO_ID'], inplace=True) # Write the final csv file csv_fin.to_csv(local_folder + output_filename, index=False) # print(csv_fin[csv_fin['CALLSIGN'].isin(['DD7MH'])]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()