Последняя активность 1731167793

dominic ревизий этого фрагмента 1731167793. К ревизии

1 file changed, 45 insertions

forum_sig.cron.sh(файл создан)

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + #!/bin/sh
2 + # generate forum signatures for black and white backgrounds
3 + # files get optimized with optipng, advpng and pngcrush
4 + # you may want to install them; if you don't have them installed
5 + # the output files get not optimized
6 + # for random output I utilize a perl script `randomquote.pl` which
7 + # is not my own and the author does not want it to be re-distributed
8 + # so you might want to find something that suits your need
9 + #
10 + # Author: Dominic Reich <quick.hat4396@qtztsjosmprqmgtunjyf.com>
11 + # Last modified: 2024-01-15 02:36
12 + #
13 +
14 + # font_path=/usr/local/share/fonts/spleen/
15 + font_path=/usr/share/fonts/spleen
16 + # files create in actual dir _dark.png and _light.png are added to filename
17 + file_prefix=forumsig
18 + quote=$(~/bin/randomquote.pl | fold -sw 76)
19 +
20 + # dark
21 + convert -background black -fill \#ddd -font ${font_path}/spleen-32x64.otf \
22 + -antialias -pointsize 20 label:"$quote" ${file_prefix}_dark.png
23 +
24 + # light
25 + convert -background white -fill \#222 -font ${font_path}/spleen-32x64.otf \
26 + -antialias -pointsize 20 label:"$quote" ${file_prefix}_light.png
27 +
28 + missing=""
29 +
30 + command -v optipng > /dev/null 2>&1 || { missing="$missing optiping"; }
31 + command -v advpng > /dev/null 2>&1 || { missing="$missing advpng"; }
32 + command -v pngcrush > /dev/null 2>&1 || { missing="$missing pngcrush"; }
33 +
34 + if [ -n "$missing" ]
35 + then
36 + echo >&2 "could not find:$missing"
37 + exit 1
38 + fi
39 +
40 + for file in ${file_prefix}_{dark,light}.png
41 + do
42 + optipng -nb -nc $file > /dev/null 2>&1
43 + advpng -z4 $file > /dev/null 2>&1
44 + pngcrush -rem gAMA -rem alla -rem cHRM -rem iCCP -rem sRGB -rem time -ow $file > /dev/null 2>&1
45 + done
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